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 Acest format foarte utilizat sau vizibil este protejat nelimitat ca format pentru a preveni vandalismul.
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă

Documentație format
Această documentație este adusă de la pagina Format:Citation/doc.

Formatul Citation este un format versatil pentru citarea de cărți, periodice, contribuții la lucrări colective, patente, și site-uri web. Scopul său este acela de a fi un format de citare universal. Are și funcționalități care ajută la citarea în stil Harvard. Formatul permite citări „Harvard” autor-dată în corpul textului cu legătură spre citarea completă (generată de acest format) și pusă în secțiunea „Bibliografie” de la sfârșitul articolului cu ajutorul formatului {{Harvnb}}. Acest format creează o ancoră HTML, cu legătura #CITEREF urmată de până la 4 nume de familie ale autorilor sau editorilor și din dată, spre care se pot face legături cu formatul {{Harvnb}} sau altele similare.

Formatul poate fi informat cu privire la tipul materialului citat (carte, periodic, capitol de compilație etc) prin combinația de parametri folosită. Pentru utilizarea cu sisteme autor-dată de genul Harvnb, folosiți în mod obligatoriu parametrii last și date.

Acest format produce text echivalent cu formatele „Cite”/„Citat”. Îl puteți folosi ca sinonim pentru {{cite journal}}, {{citat carte}}, {{cite paper}}, și același rezultat ca {{cite news}}, {{citat web}}, {{cite encyclopedia}}, și {{cite mailing list}} se poate obține prin schimbarea unor parametri. Cu ajutorul parametrului |separator= se poate schimba punctuația.

Toate numele de parametri sunt cu litere mici.

Citarea de cărți

Parametri (toți sunt opționali)

|firstn=, lastn=
  • last (or last1): Numele de familie al autorului.
  • first (or first1): Prenumele autorului.
  • author-link (or author1-link): Titlul unui articol Wikipedia despre primul autor.
  • last2, last3, last4: Numele de familie ale celorlalți autori.
  • first2, first3, first4: Prenumele celorlalți autori.
  • author2-link, author3-link, author4-link: Titlurile articolelor Wikipedia despre ceilalți autori.
  • publication-date (sau date): Data publicării.
  • date: Data când a fost scrisă, dacă diferă de cea a publicării. Dacă e utilizat doar date, atunci ea e considerată ca fiind și data publicării.
  • year: Anul publicării sau al scrierii. (Obligatoriu pentru crearea de legături pentru {{Harvnb}}. În unele situații, formatul ar putea calcula anul din parametrul date.)
  • origyear: Anul primei publicări, dacă diferă.
  • title: Titlul. Dacă include [paranteze drepte], ele trebuie codificate astfel: [ → [ ; ] → ]
  • edition: Numărul sau numele ediției, dacă nu este prima; de exemplu: edition=a doua.
  • volume: Numărul volumului.
  • series: Seria din care face parte cartea.
  • publication-place (or place): Orașul publicării. Dacă sunt mai multe, treceți-l pe primul, sau orașul în care își are sediul editura. Dacă nu este unul cunoscut, se poate adăuga țara sau regiunea. Dacă parametrul este o universitate care are în numele său și numele orașului, atunci nu mai folosiți acest parametru.
  • place: Orașul în care a fost scrisă cartea, dacă diferă de cel al publicării. Dacă se folosește doar place, atunci va fi tratat ca oraș al publicării.
  • publisher: Numele editurii. Eliminați termeni ca Publishers, Co., Inc., Ltd., Editura, SRL etc., dar păstrați cuvinte ca Books sau Press.
  • pages: Pentru citarea de mai multe pagini. Adaugă "pp." înainte de numele paginii. Nu folosiți împreună cu page.
  • page: Pentru citarea unei singure pagini. Adaugă "p." înainte de numărul paginii. Nu folosiți împreună cupages.
  • id: Identificator, cum ar fi ISBN 1–111–22222–9
  • isbn: Folosiți acest parametru dacă este disponibil numărul ISBN.
  • doi: Un digital object identifier cum ar fi 10.1016/j.coi.2004.08.001.
    • doi_brokendate: Dacă DOI nu funcționează, specificați data în format ISO.
  • oclc: Online Computer Library Center ID, cum ar fi 3185581 (superfluu dacă este dat ISBN).
  • url: Un url spre un site unde poate fi găsită cartea.
  • archiveurl: Un url al unei copii arhivate a url-ului sursă (de exemplu via sau WebCite). Folosiți cu archivedate.
  • archivedate: Data accesării sursei arhivate. Utilizați împreună cu archiveurl.
  • accessdate: Data accesării url-ului. Fără legătură.
  • separator: specifică semnul de punctuație folosit pentru a separa unele câmpuri. Implicit, este o virgulă; familia 'Cite xxx' folosește punctul.
  • laysummary: URL al unui sumar, care ar putea fi publicat într-un ziar sau revistă.
  • laydate: Data publicării, sau a accesării sumarului.
  • postscript: Punctuația terminală. Lăsați liber pentru a elimina punctul de la sfârșit. Punctuația specificată de acest parametru va apărea în citare, și deci înainte de orice imagine adăugată de software care folosește metadate (cum ar fi pluginuri de browser pentru biblioteci). Deci acest parametru trebuie folosit în locul adăugării manuale a datelor.
  • lastauthoramp: Pune un ampersand (&) înainte de numele de familie al ultimului autor, dacă sunt mai mulți.


Un autor
{{ Citation
 | last=Turner
 | first=O.
 | title=History of the Pioneer
Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's
Purchase, and Morris' Reserve
 | publisher=William Alling
 | place=Rochester, New York
 | year=1851
 | url =
 | accessdate = 2008-01-28
Turner, O. (), History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, and Morris' Reserve, Rochester, New York: William Alling, accesat în  
Trei autori, un volum și o ediție. Ampersand (&) înainte de ultimul autor.
{{ Citation
 | last1=Lincoln
 | first1=A.
 | last2=Washington
 | first2=G.
 | last3=Adams
 | first3=J.
 | lastauthoramp=yes
 | title=All the Presidents' Names
 | publisher=The Pentagon
 | place=Home Base, New York
 | volume=XII
 | edition=2nd
 | year=2007
Lincoln, A.; Washington, G. & Adams, J. (), All the Presidents' Names, XII (ed. 2nd), Home Base, New York: The Pentagon 

Citarea de ziare, reviste și alte periodice


 | last =
 | first =
 | author-link =
 | publication-date =
 | date =
 | year =
 | title =
 | periodical =
 | series =
 | publication-place =
 | place =
 | publisher =
 | volume =
 | issue =
 | pages =
 | url =
 | archiveurl =
 | archivedate =
 | issn =
 | pmid =
 | pmc =
 | doi =
 | oclc =
 | accessdate =
  • last (or last1): Numele de familie al autorului.
  • first (or first1): Prenumele autorului.
  • author-link (or author1-link): Titlul unui articol Wikipedia despre primul autor.
  • last2, last3, last4: Numele de familie ale celorlalți autori.
  • first2, first3, first4: Prenumele celorlalți autori.
  • author2-link, author3-link, author4-link: Titlurile articolelor Wikipedia despre ceilalți autori.
  • publication-date (sau date): Data publicării.
  • date: Data când a fost scrisă, dacă diferă de cea a publicării. Dacă e utilizat doar date, atunci ea e considerată ca fiind și data publicării.
  • year: Anul publicării sau al scrierii. (Obligatoriu pentru crearea de legături pentru {{Harvnb}}. În unele situații, formatul ar putea calcula anul din parametrul date.)
  • origyear: Anul primei publicări, dacă diferă.
  • title: Titlul. Dacă include [paranteze drepte], ele trebuie codificate astfel: [ → [ ; ] → ]
  • periodical (sau journal, newspaper, magazine): Numele publicației.
  • series: Seria din care face parte publicația.
  • publication-place: Orașul publicării. Nu se recomandă în cazul periodicelor renumite sau de largă circulație (Vanity Fair), sau periodicelor al căror titlu conține orașul publicării (New York Times). Dacă sunt mai multe orașe, dați-l pe primul sau pe cel în care se află sediul redacției. Dacă nu este unul cunoscut, adăugați țara sau regiunea.
  • place: Orașul din care este scris articolul.
  • publisher: Numele editurii publicației. Pentru majoritatea periodicelor, nu se recomandă; doar dacă poate ajuta cititorul să găsească o copie.
  • volume: Numărul volumului.
  • issue (or number): Numărul în care a apărut articolul.
  • pages (optional): Paginile unde se poate găsi articolul.
  • url: Un url unde se poate găsi articolul.
  • archiveurl: Un url al unei copii arhivate a url-ului sursă (de exemplu via sau WebCite). Folosiți cu archivedate.
  • archivedate: Data accesării sursei arhivate. Utilizați împreună cu archiveurl.
  • issn: Cele opt cifre ale ISSN-ului ce identifică publicația. Utilizați doar dacă nu este disponibil un DOI.
  • pmid: PubMed Unique Identifier, cum ar fi 15128012
  • pmc: Numărul PubMed Central al articolului, cum ar fi 246835
  • doi: Un digital object identifier cum ar fi 10.1016/j.coi.2004.08.001.
  • oclc: Online Computer Library Center ID, cum ar fi 3185581
  • accessdate: Data accesării url-ului. Se preferă format ISO 8601 fără legătură.


Articol de revistă de specialitate
 | last=Hill
 | first=Marvin S.
 | title=Joseph Smith and the 1826
Trial: New Evidence and New
 | journal=BYU Studies
 | volume=12
 | issue=2
 | year=1976
 | pages=1–8
 | url=
Hill, Marvin S. (), „Joseph Smith and the 1826 Trial: New Evidence and New Difficulties” (PDF), BYU Studies, 12 (2): 1–8 
Articol de ziar
 | last=Smith
 | first=Joseph III
 | author-link=Joseph Smith III
 | title=Last Testimony of Sister Emma
 | newspaper=The Saints' Herald
 | publication-place=Plano, IL
 | volume=26
 | issue=19
 | date=October 1, 1879
 | year=1879
 | month=October
 | page=289
 | url=
Smith, Joseph III (), „Last Testimony of Sister Emma”, The Saints' Herald, Plano, IL, 26 (19), p. 289 

Citarea din cărți tipărite sau părți din cărți tipărite, inclusiv enciclopedii și articole din enciclopedii


 | last =
 | first =
 | author-link =
 | last2 =
 | first2 =
 | author2-link =
 | year =
 | date =
 | publication-date =
 | contribution =
 | contribution-url =
 | editor-last =
 | editor-first =
 | editor-link =
 | editor2-last =
 | editor2-first =
 | editor2-link =
 | title =
 | edition =
 | series =
 | place =
 | publication-place =
 | publisher =
 | volume =
 | pages =
 | id =
 | isbn =
 | doi =
 | oclc =
 | url =
  • last (or last1): The first author's surname or last name.
  • first (or first1): The first author's first or given name(s).
  • author-link (or author1-link): Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first author.
  • last2, last3, last4: The second, third, and fourth authors' surname or last name, if applicable.
  • first2, first3, first4: The second, third, and fourth authors' first or given name(s), if applicable.
  • author2-link, author3-link, author4-link: Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the second, third, and fourth author, if applicable.
  • year: Year of authorship or publication. (Mandatory for use with links from Template:Harvard citation. In some situations, the template may be able to derive a year from the full date.)
  • date: Date of authorship or publication.
  • publication-date: Date of publication (if different than date).
  • contribution (or chapter): Title of the contribution or chapter.
  • contribution-url (or chapter-url): URL of the contribution or chapter.
  • editor-last (or editor1-last): The first editor's surname or last name.
  • editor-first (or editor1-first): The first editor's first or given name(s).
  • editor-link (or editor1-link): Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first editor.
  • editor2-last, editor3-last, editor4-last: The second, third, and fourth editor' surname or last name, if applicable.
  • editor2-first, editor3-first, editor4-first: The second, third, and fourth editors' first or given name(s), if applicable.
  • editor2-link, editor3-link, editor4-link: Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the second, third, and fourth editor, if applicable.
  • title: Title of the book or compilation. If the title includes [square brackets], these must be encoded: [ → [ ; ] → ]
  • edition: Number or name of the edition, if not the first; for example: edition=2nd.
  • series: Series of which this periodical is a part.
  • volume: The volume number of a multi-volume book or compilation.
  • place (or location): The place where the article, encyclopedia entry, or other included item was created. Usually, this is collective work's city of publication; if not, then use the separate publication-place parameter. If more than one town/city is listed on the title page, give the first one or the location of the publisher's head office. If the city is not well-known, you may add a county, region, or state. States in the U.S. are denoted by a two-letter code; for example: place=Paris, TX (no period at the end). Where the publisher is a university and the place or location is included in the name of the university, do not use this parameter.
  • publication-place. The place where the collective work was published (if different from place or location).
  • publisher: The name of the publisher. Omit terms such as Publishers, Co., Inc., Ltd., etc., but retain the words Books or Press.
  • id: Identifier such as ISBN 1–111–22222–9
  • isbn: Use this parameter if the book or compilation has an ISBN.
  • doi: A digital object identifier such as 10.1016/j.coi.2004.08.001.
  • oclc: Online Computer Library Center ID number, such as 3185581 (superfluous when ISBN is given).
  • url: An url of an online location where the book or compilationcan be found.
  • accessdate: Date when the url was accessed. Unlinked ISO 8601 format is preferred. The access date is only shown if "|url=" is used. The "|accessdate=" has no effect if "|contribution-url=" is used.


Manuscript published in an edited compilation
 | last=Bidamon
 | first=Emma Smith
 | author-link=Emma Hale Smith
 | chapter=Letter to Emma S. Pilgrim
 | date=March 27, 1876
 | year=1876
 | editor-last=Vogel
 | editor-first=Dan
 | title=Early Mormon Documents
 | volume=1
 | publisher=Signature Books
 | publication-date=1996
 | isbn=1–56085–072–8
Bidamon, Emma Smith (), „Letter to Emma S. Pilgrim”, În Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, 1, Signature Books (publicat la ), ISBN 1–56085–072–8 Verificați valoarea |isbn=: invalid character (ajutor) 
Work with an editor but no author
 | editor-last=Vogel
 | editor-first=Dan
 | title=Early Mormon Documents
 | volume=1
 | publisher=Signature Books
 | publication-date=1996
 | isbn=1–56085–072–8
Vogel, Dan, ed. (), Early Mormon Documents, 1, Signature Books, ISBN 1–56085–072–8 Verificați valoarea |isbn=: invalid character (ajutor) 
Encyclopedia article by a named author
  | last = Kramer
  | first = Martin
  | author-link = Martin Kramer
  | contribution = Bernard Lewis
  | editor-last = Boyd
  | editor-first = Kelley
  | title = Encyclopedia of Historians
and Historical Writing
  | volume = 1
  | pages = 719–720
  | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn
  | place = London
  | publication-date = 1999
  | contribution-url = http://
Kramer, Martin (), „Bernard Lewis”, În Boyd, Kelley, Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, 1, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 719–720 
Encyclopedia article with no named author
  | contribution = Bernard Lewis
  | editor-last = Boyd
  | editor-first = Kelley
  | title = Encyclopedia of Historians
and Historical Writing
  | volume = 1
  | pages = 719–720
  | publisher = Fitzroy Dearborn
  | place = London
  | year = 1999
  | contribution-url = http://
Boyd, Kelley, ed. (), „Bernard Lewis”, Encyclopedia of Historians and Historical Writing, 1, London: Fitzroy Dearborn, pp. 719–720 

Citarea contribuțiilor, republicărilor sau citatelor editate din articole publicate în periodice


 | last =
 | first =
 | author-link =
 | last2 =
 | first2 =
 | author2-link =
 | year =
 | date =
 | publication-date =
 | contribution =
 | contribution-url =
 | editor-last =
 | editor-first =
 | editor-link =
 | editor2-last =
 | editor2-first =
 | editor2-link =
 | title =
 | periodical =
 | series =
 | volume =
 | issue =
 | pages =
 | place =
 | publication-place =
 | publisher =
 | id =
 | issn =
 | doi =
 | oclc =
 | url =
 | accessdate =
  • last (or last1): The first author's surname or last name.
  • first (or first1): The first author's first or given name(s).
  • author-link (or author1-link): Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first author.
  • last2, last3, last4: The second, third, and fourth authors' surname or last name, if applicable.
  • first2, first3, first4: The second, third, and fourth authors' first or given name(s), if applicable.
  • author2-link, author3-link, author4-link: Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the second, third, and fourth author, if applicable.
  • year: Year of authorship or publication. (Mandatory for use with links from Template:Harvard citation. In some situations, the template may be able to derive a year from the full date.)
  • date: Date of authorship or publication.
  • publication-date: Date of publication (if different than date).
  • contribution (or chapter): Title of the contribution or chapter.
  • contribution-url (or chapter-url): URL of the contribution or chapter.
  • editor-last (or editor1-last): The first editor's surname or last name.
  • editor-first (or editor2-first): The first editor's first or given name(s).
  • editor-link (or editor1-link): Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first editor.
  • editor2-last, editor3-last, editor4-last: The second, third, and fourth editor' surname or last name, if applicable.
  • editor2-first, editor3-first, editor4-first: The second, third, and fourth editors' first or given name(s), if applicable.
  • editor2-link, editor3-link, editor4-link: Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the second, third, and fourth editor, if applicable.
  • title: Title of the book or compilation. If the title includes [square brackets], these must be encoded: [ → [ ; ] → ]
  • periodical (or journal, newspaper, magazine): Name of the periodical.
  • series: Series of which this periodical is a part.
  • volume: The volume number of the journal.
  • issue (or number): The issue number of the journal.
  • pages (optional): The pages in the issue where the article may be found.
  • place (or location): The place where the article, encyclopedia entry, or other included item was created. Usually, this is collective work's city of publication; if not, then use the separate publication-place parameter. If more than one town/city is listed on the title page, give the first one or the location of the publisher's head office. If the city is not well-known, you may add a county, region, or state. States in the U.S. are denoted by a two-letter code; for example: place=Paris, TX (no period at the end). Where the publisher is a university and the place or location is included in the name of the university, do not use this parameter.
  • publication-place. The place where the collective work was published (if different from place or location).
  • id: Identifier such as ISBN 1–111–22222–9
  • issn: The eight-digit International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) identifying the journal.
  • doi: A digital object identifier such as 10.1016/j.coi.2004.08.001.
  • oclc: Online Computer Library Center ID number, such as 3185581 (superfluous when ISBN is given).
  • url: An url of an online location where the book or compilation can be found.
  • accessdate: Date when the url was accessed. Unlinked ISO 8601 format is preferred.


Manuscript edited and published in a journal
 | last=Knight
 | first=Joseph, Sr.
 | year=1833
 | editor-last=Jessee
 | editor-first=Dean
 | title=Joseph Knight's Recollection
of Early Mormon History
 | journal=BYU Studies
 | volume=17
 | issue=1
 | publication-date=1976
 | pages=35
 | url=
Knight, Joseph, Sr. (), Jessee, Dean, ed., „Joseph Knight's Recollection of Early Mormon History” (PDF), BYU Studies (publicat la ), 17 (1): 35 
Manuscript written at one date and place, then published in a periodical at a different date and place with commentary by the editor.
 | last=Klingensmith
 | first=Philip
 | contribution=Affidavit
 | year=1872
 | date=September 5, 1872
 | place=Lincoln County, Nevada
 | title=Mountain Meadows Massacre
 | editor-last=Toohy
 | editor-first=Dennis J.
 | journal=Corinne Daily Reporter
 | publication-date=September 24, 1872
 | publication-place=Corinne, Utah
 | volume=5
 | issue=252
 | pages=1
 | contribution-url=http://,5359
Klingensmith, Philip (), scris în Lincoln County, Nevada, Toohy, Dennis J., ed., „Mountain Meadows Massacre”, Corinne Daily Reporter, Corinne, Utah (publicat la ), 5 (252): 1  |contribution= ignorat (ajutor)

Citarea brevetelor

Parametri (toți sunt opționali)

 | inventor-last =
 | inventor-first =
 | inventorlink =
 | inventor2-last =
 | inventor2-first =
 | inventorlink2 =
 | publication-date =
 | issue-date =
 | title =
 | country-code =
 | description =
 | patent-number =
  • inventor-last (or inventor1-last): The inventor's surname or last name.
  • inventor-first (or inventor1-first): The inventor's first or given name(s).
  • inventorlink (or inventorlink1): Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first inventor.
  • inventor2-last, inventor3-last, inventor4-last: The second, third, and fourth authors' surname or last name, if applicable.
  • inventor2-first, inventor3-first, inventor4-first: The second, third, and fourth inventors' first or given name(s), if applicable.
  • inventorlink2, inventorlink3, inventorlink4: Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the second, third, and fourth inventor, if applicable.
  • publication-date: Date of publication or filing.
  • issue-date (or date): Date patent was issued by patent agency.
  • title: Title of the patent. If the title includes [square brackets], these must be encoded: [ → [ ; ] → ]
  • country-code: Two-letter abbreviation of the country issuing the patent.
  • description: Type of patent; shown between country code and number.
  • patent-number: The number of the patent.


United States patent with multiple inventors
 | inventor1-last = Degermark
 | inventor1-first = Mikael
 | inventor2-last = Brodnik
 | inventor2-first = Andrej
 | inventor3-last = Carlsson
 | inventor3-first = Svante
 | inventor4-last = Pink
 | inventor4-first = Stephen
 | title = Fast routing lookup system
using complete prefix tree, bit vector,
and pointers in a routing table for
determining where to route IP datagrams
 | issue-date = 2001
 | patent-number = 6266706
 | country-code = US}}
US 6266706, Degermark, Mikael; Andrej Brodnik & Svante Carlsson et al., "Fast routing lookup system using complete prefix tree, bit vector, and pointers in a routing table for determining where to route IP datagrams", issued 2001 

Datele calendaristice

The Manual of Style states that linking of dates purely for the purpose of auto-formatting is now deprecated, so the date and publication-date parameters should use one of the following formats

  • date=February 14, 1990 (comma required)
  • date=14 February 1990
  • date=February 1990
  • date=1990

Ideally the format of all dates in the references of an article should uses a consistent style.

For the accessdate parameter, unlinked ISO 8601 format 2008-07-25 is preferred.


Aceasta este documentația TemplateData pentru format folosită de Editorul vizual și alte unelte.


The Citation template generates a citation for a book, periodical, contribution in a collective work, patent, or a web page. It determines the citation type by examining which parameters are used.

Parametrii formatului[Gestionează TemplateData]

Last namelast author author1 authors last1

The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

First namefirst first1

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

title of sourcetitle

Title of source; displays in italics.

date of sourcedate

Full date of source being referenced in the same format as other publication dates in the citations.[1] Do not wikilink. Displays after the authors and enclosed in parentheses. If there is no author, then displays after publisher.

url of sourceurl

URL of an online location where the text of the publication can be found.

Workwork journal website newspaper magazine encyclopedia encyclopaedia dictionary mailinglist

Name of the work in which the cited title is found


For one publication published in several volumes

Issueissue number

Issue number


Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'


Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'

Publication Datepublication-date

Date of publication when different from the date the work was written. Displays only if year or date are defined and only if different, else publication-date is used and displayed as date. Use the same format as other dates in the article; do not wikilink. Follows publisher; if work is not defined, then publication-date is preceded by "published" and enclosed in parenthesis.

Date formatdf

Sets rendered dates to the specified format

Year of publicationyear

Year of the source being referenced; recommended only when date parameter format is YYYY-MM-DD and a CITEREF disambiguator is needed


Controls the closing punctuation for a citation; defaults to a period (.); for no terminating punctuation, specify |postscript=none – leaving |postscript= empty is the same as omitting it, but is ambiguous. Ignored if quote is defined.

Editor last nameeditor-last editor editor-surname editor-last1 editor-surname1 editor1 editor1-last editor1-surname editors

The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors

Editor first nameeditor-first editor-first1 editor-given1 editor1-first editor1-given

The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors

Author Maskauthor-mask authormask

Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text. Set author-mask to a numeric value n to set the dash n em spaces wide; set author-mask to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, "with". You must still include the values for all authors for metadata purposes. Primarily intended for use with bibliographies or bibliography styles where multiple works by a single author are listed sequentially such as shortened footnotes. Do not use in a list generated by {{reflist}}, <references /> or similar as there is no control of the order in which references are displayed. You can also use editor-mask and translator-mask in the same way.

Original yearorig-year origyear

Original year of publication; provide specifics

Translated titletrans-title trans_title

An English language title, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended

Translated chapter titletrans-chapter trans_chapter

An English language chapter title, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended


Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case

Archive URLarchive-url archiveurl

The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archivedate'

Dead URLdead-url deadurl

If set to 'no', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live

Seriesseries version

Series identifier when the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal; alias of 'version'


fără descriere


May be used instead of 'page' or 'pages' where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient

No ppnopp

Set to 'y' to suppress the 'p.' or 'pp.' display with 'page' or 'pages' when inappropriate (such as 'Front cover')


The chapter heading of the source


fără descriere

chapter-urlchapter-url chapterurl

fără descriere


fără descriere


fără descriere


fără descriere


When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'

Location of publicationplace location

Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked

Place of publicationpublication-place

Publication place shows after title; if 'place' or 'location' are also given, they are displayed before the title prefixed with 'written at'


Name of the publisher; displays after title


The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates


Format of the work referred to by 'url' ('url' is required when using 'format'); examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML

arXiv identifierarxiv

An identifier for arXive electronic preprints of scientific papers


Amazon Standard Identification Number; 10 characters

ASIN TLDasin-tld

ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US


Bibliographic Reference Code (REFCODE); 19 characters


biorXiv identifier; 6 digits


CiteSeerX identifier; found after the 'doi=' query parameter


Digital Object Identifier; begins with '10.'


fără descriere

DOI broken datedoi-broken-date

The date that the DOI was determined to be broken


International Standard Book Number; use the 13-digit ISBN where possible


International Standard Serial Number (print); 8 characters; usually split into two groups of four using a hyphen


International Standard Serial Number (online); 8 characters; usually split into two groups of four using a hyphen

jfm codejfm

Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik classification code


JSTOR identifier


Library of Congress Control Number


Mathematical Reviews identifier


Online Computer Library Center number


Open Library identifier


Office of Scientific and Technical Information identifier


PubMed Center article number


PubMed Unique Identifier


Request for Comments number


Social Science Research Network


Zentralblatt MATH journal identifier


A unique identifier used where none of the specialized ones are applicable


Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; needs to include terminating punctuation


An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv and sfn templates

URL access dateaccess-date accessdate

The full date when the original URL was accessed; do not wikilink

Lay URLlaysummary layurl lay-url

URL link to a non-technical summary or review of the source

Lay sourcelay-source laysource

Name of the source of the laysummary; displays in italics, preceded by an en dash

Lay datelay-date laydate

Date of the summary; displays in parentheses

Author name separatorauthor-name-separator

Changes the separator between last and first names; defaults to a comma and space; a space must be encoded as &#32;

Last author ampersandlast-author-amp lastauthoramp

When set to any value, changes the separator between the last two names of the author list to 'space ampersand space'

Display authorsdisplayauthors display-authors

number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;

Archive datearchive-date archivedate

Date when the original URL was archived; do not wikilink

Last name 2last2 author2 surname2

The surname of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink2'.

First name 2first2 given2

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second author; don't wikilink.

Last name 3last3 author3 surname3

The surname of the third author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink3'.

First name 3first3 given3

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third author; don't wikilink.

Last name 4last4 author4 surname4

The surname of the forth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink4'.

First name 4first4 given4

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the forth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 5last5 author5 surname5

The surname of the fifth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink5'.

First name 5first5 given5

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 6last6 author6 surname6

The surname of the sixth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink6'.

First name 6first6

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 7last7 author7 surname7

The surname of the seventh author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink7'.

First name 7first7 given7

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh author; don't wikilink.

Last name 8last8 author8 surname8

The surname of the eighth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink8'.

First name 8first8 given8

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 9last9 author9 surname9

The surname of the ninth author; don't wikilink, use 'authorlink9'. If nine authors are defined, then only eight will show and 'et al.' will show in place of the last author.

First name 9first9 given9

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth author; don't wikilink.

Author linkauthor-link authorlink author1-link authorlink1

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 2author-link2 author2-link authorlink2

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 3author-link3 author3-link authorlink3

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 4author-link4 author4-link authorlink4

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the forth author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 5author-link5 author5-link authorlink5

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 6author-link6 author6-link authorlink6

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 7author-link7 author7-link authorlink7

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 8author-link8 author8-link authorlink8

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Author link 9author-link9 author9-link authorlink9

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth author.

Numele paginiiopțional
Editor last name 2editor2-last editor2

The surname of the second editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor2-link'.

Editor first name 2editor2-first editor2-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 3editor3-last editor3

The surname of the third editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor3-link'.

Editor first name 3editor3-first editor3-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 4editor4-last editor4

The surname of the fourth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor4-link'.

Editor first name 4editor4-first editor4-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 5editor5-last editor5

The surname of the fifth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor5-link'.

Editor first name 5editor5-first editor5-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 6editor6-last editor6

The surname of the sixth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor6-link'.

Editor first name 6editor6-first editor6-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 7editor7-last editor7

The surname of the seventh editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor7-link'.

Editor first name 7editor7-first editor7-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 8editor8-last editor8

The surname of the eighth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor8-link'.

Editor first name 8editor8-first editor8-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor last name 9editor9-last editor9

The surname of the ninth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor9-link'.

Editor first name 9editor9-first editor9-given

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth editor; don't wikilink.


fără descriere


fără descriere


fără descriere


fără descriere


fără descriere

Translator last nametranslator-last translator translator-last1 translator1 translator1-last

The surname of the translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators.

Translator first nametranslator-first translator1-first translator-first1

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators.

Translator linktranslator-link translator-link1 translator1-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the translator; can suffix with a numeral to add additional translators.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator last name 2translator-last2 translator2 translator2-last

The surname of the second translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 2translator-first2 translator2-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 3translator-last3 translator3 translator3-last

The surname of the third translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 3translator-first3 translator3-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 4translator-last4 translator4 translator4-last

The surname of the fourth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 4translator-first4 translator4-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 5translator-last5 translator5 translator5-last

The surname of the fifth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 5translator-first5 translator5-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 6translator-last6 translator6 translator6-last

The surname of the sixth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 6translator-first6 translator6-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 7translator-last7 translator7 translator7-last

The surname of the seventh translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 7translator-first7 translator7-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 8translator-last8 translator8 translator8-last

The surname of the eighth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 8translator-first8 translator8-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator last name 9translator-last9 translator9 translator9-last

The surname of the ninth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator first name 9translator-first9 translator9-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth translator; don't wikilink, use 'translator-link'.

Translator link 2translator-link2 translator2-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 3translator-link3 translator3-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 4translator-link4 translator4-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 5translator-link5 translator5-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fifth translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 6translator-link6 translator6-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 7translator-link7 translator7-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 8translator-link8 translator8-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth translator.

Numele paginiiopțional
Translator link 9translator-link9 translator9-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth translator.

Numele paginiiopțional